Addressed admail postcards that are inserted into envelopes and then inkjetted. The total postage amount to be paid is calculated after the order is placed.
Our service includes: - Printing of postcards - Address correction, envelope stuffing and ink jetting - Postal sorting - Delivery to Canada Post
Cut to size, stuffed, addressed and delivered to Canada Post
File Type
Print Ready PDF file
Special Instructions
- Must be addressed admail
- Quantity of address data must match the quantity ordered
- Address area must meet Canada Post guidelines.
Refer to the Set up Guides
- Addresses must be 95% of above valid
- Direct mail pieces will be submitted to Canada Post
for approval. Direct mail artwork will not proceed into
production until we receive approval from Canada Post
Each Direct Mail job should consist of two files:
- A static PDF (artwork)
- Excel file containing your address data
Be sure to DELETE any hidden layers that are not intended to print (ie: setup guide layers or other hidden artwork layers) to ensure no risk of them appearing on the final print.
( * file extension allowed: .pdf )
Please enter a maximum of 64 characters on Job name field
This is a low resolution preview of your uploaded file(s) for you to confirm you have uploaded the correct files. This preview is not entirely representative of what will be printed. For most products, you will receive a high resolution digital proof shortly after placing your order.
You need to check the checkbox to confirm the uploaded file(s) first